Saturday, 29 March , 2025

Southern Europe

Germany’s New Government Is in Thrall to Neoliberal Hawks

By Ines Schwerdtner Dec.8,2021 Today, the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz became leader of Germany’s new government. But with fiscal hawk Christian Lindner in charge of the...

AFRICOM military’s exercise: The art of creating new pretexts for propagating...

Phoenix Express 2021, the AFRICOM-sponsored military exercise involving 13 countries in the Mediterranean Sea region, concluded last week. While its stated aim was to...

Spain risks more riots as free speech crackdown and rapper’s jailing...

By Damian Wilson* 19 Feb, 2021 Millions of Spaniards still remember life under fascism. Now, with lockdown’s limits on freedom compounded by the erosion of...

ECB’s Lagarde rejects calls to cancel COVID-19 debts for eurozone

Feb 07, 202 Canceling debts run up by eurozone members is "unthinkable," European Central Bank (ECB) chief Christine Lagarde said on Sunday, rejecting calls by...

Pandemic-hit European governments see ghost of debt crisis

Jan 18, 2021 European governments fear the COVID-19 pandemic will punish the most fragile economies the hardest, widening gaps between European Union member states and...

EU: Compromise with East, anti-social “reforms” for the South

by Klaus Dräger The deal on the rule of law is very much kept in limbo during the last EU Council. Poland and Hungary achieved...

On the failed EU summit

In budget summit, EU leaders live up to low expectations Big differences remain over crisis recovery plan ahead of mid-July showdown By David M. Herszenhorn,...

The Debate on Universal Public Income

Basic Income in Spain to Mitigate Coronavirus Impact By Helene Zuber und Steffen Lüdke 12.06.2020 It's two days before Jessica will be unable to pay her...

EU Recovery Fund, Next Generation EU: Who shall benefit? | By...

As a follow up to the joint proposal of Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron on creating an EU Recovery Fund...

François Ruffin: “La démondialisation est un moyen, mais pas une fin”

par Kévin Boucaud-Victoire 09/06/2020 à 18:57 Dans son dernier livre, "Leur folie, nos vies", François Ruffin revient sur la crise du coronavirus et propose un nouveau projet...