Saturday, 22 February , 2025

South Asia

Sri Lanka’s ‘IndoPacific’ role revealed in secret US document?

By Lasanda Kurukulasuriya The launch in Colombo of a Trilateral Maritime Security Secretariat, for cooperation between Sri Lanka, India and the Maldives, merits closer scrutiny....

Kerala polls: Left triumph will help transform the very base of...

Vijay Prashad spoke to Kerala’s Finance Minister Thomas Isaac about the upcoming legislative elections in Kerala. March 17, 2021 Vijay Prashad spoke to Kerala’s Finance Minister...

100 days of revolt, & still raring to go

By Indra Shekhar Singh 9 March 2021 As the farmers’ protest against farm laws enters the summer season, they brave high temperatures and the paucity of...

Did nuclear spy devices in the Himalayas trigger India floods?

By Soutik Biswas Feb. 21, 2021 In a village in the Indian Himalayas, generations of residents have believed that nuclear devices lie buried under the snow...

Amit Shah has plans to form BJP governments in Sri Lanka,...

February 15, 202 Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Deb has revealed how Home Minister Amit Shah once told him about his plans to expand BJP to...

Old hatreds fuel online misinformation about COVID-19 in South Asia

By Kamya Yadav, Isra Thange, Julia Ilhardt, Samikshya Siwakoti, Jacob N. Shapiro November 25, 2020 photo: Credit: ChocolateLr18. CC BY-SA 4.0. Since COVID-19 spread to South Asia,...

Massive state repression of protesters in West Bengal demanding jobs and...

The call to mobilization given by left students and youth organizations had also expressed its support for the ongoing farmers agitation against the pro-corporate...

Inde, Pakistan, question du pouvoir.

31 Janvier 2021 En Inde, l’épreuve de force du 26 janvier s’est soldée par un match nul, ce qui veut dire en fait une victoire...

Yogi Adityanath, le moine-ministre qui effraie l’Inde progressiste

January 25, 2021 Il y a quelques semaines, plusieurs observateurs s’étonnaient de la manière dont s’est déroulée la visite d’Emmanuel Lenain, ambassadeur français à New...

Remembering Jan Myrdal, Who Stubbornly Refused to Change Ideological Leanings

Remembering Jan Myrdal, Who Stubbornly Refused to Change Ideological Leanings Bz Rajesh Joshi Nov. 27, 2020 When Swedish writer and Marxist intellectual Jan Myrdal died last month...