Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Google and the Building of a Totalitarian Empire

Google: Search Engine or Deep State Organ? By Michael Krieger Today’s post should be read as Part 3 of my ongoing series about the now...

Google – Un simple moteur de recherche ou un membre de...

Par Michael Krieger Le 9 aout 2017 Source Liberty Blitzkrieg Ce texte doit être lu comme la  troisième partie de ma série en cours sur le fameux...

Israel’s War Against George Soros

JAFFA, Israel — As a Holocaust survivor, a successful financier who embraces free market capitalism and a philanthropist who champions liberal democracy, George Soros...

Netanyahu against Soros

Amid Soros conspiracies, one leak offers evidence of activism Hacked Soros e-mails reveal plans to fight Israel's 'racist' policies ByMichael Wilner Sensational tales have been spinning...

DiEM25 in Serbia

Mara Knezevic   The Croatian philosopher Srećko Horvat, a member of the DiEM25 citizens’ movement, recently arrived in Serbia and gave an interview from which it...

The Hijacking of France (from Donald Trump to Marine Le Pen)

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) “I am the last President of France. All the next presidents will be accountants,” François Mitterrand once said. But he would not...

The Hijacking of France (from Donald Trump to Marine Le Pen)

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) “I am the last President of France. All the next presidents will be accountants,” François Mitterrand once said. But he would not...

Varoufakis and Democracy, Left and Nationalism

DDP note: Wayne Hall, who is a friend of the Delphi Initiative and also a centrally registered member of Diem25 has addressed us the...

Soros, Clinton and Albania

An email leaked by WikiLeaks reveals that when Hillary Clinton was US secretary of state in 2011, billionaire George Soros instructed her on how to handle unrest in Albania, stressing it “needs urgent attention at senior levels of the US government.” “Dear Hillary,” begins the email dated January 24, 2011 from the founder of Open Society Foundations, Soros.

Modern “Wars of Symbols”

Global hedge fund tycoon and political provocateur George Soros is leading a war of symbols, namely flags and banners either resurrected or conjured up by his myriad non-profit groups, to stir religious, racial, and ethnic tensions the world over. From the Serbian OTPOR! movement and its clenched-fist symbol adopted by protests groups around the world to the menacing black and white flag of the Islamic State, which first appeared during the Soros-backed “Arab Spring” rebellions, Soros’s “false flag” factories have been running at break-neck production speeds.