Saturday, 22 February , 2025


Portugal Elections: ‘Socialist’ Party wins but Defeat for Left

February 8, 2022 The general election in Portugal (January 30) was triggered last October by the decision of the anti-capitalist Bloco Esquerda (Left Bloc) and...

Portugal’s Election Is About Whether Austerity Is Really Over

An interview with Jorge Costa Nov.17, 2021 Portuguese premier António Costa has called a snap general election in a bid to end his dependency on left-wing...

Rainbow Warrior : Retour sur la naissance d’un scandale d’État –...

A l’occasion des 35 ans de la condamnation du commandant Alain Mafart et du capitaine Dominique Prieur dans l’affaire du Rainbow Warrior (22 novembre...

The situation in Portugal

Socialists victorious in Portuguese election António Costa wins but falls short of absolute majority, with negotiations for new left-wing alliance likely. By Paul Ames and...

Espagne: débâcle pour Podemos et ses mairies « indignées » aux...

Podemos, qui avait conquis en 2015 les plus grandes villes espagnoles avec les autres mouvements de gauche radicale, a perdu ces municipalités et essuyé...

Spain’s socialists regaining ground as rising right-wing party bites off chunk...

28 Apr, 2019 Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez’ socialist party PSOE is set to come out on top in Sunday’s elections, but it’ll have to form...

EU ‘risks pushing Venezuela towards civil war’ after parliament recognises Guaido

By Ana LAZARO 31/01/2019 The European Union risks pushing Venezuela towards civil war, rather than democracy, the country's ambassador warned after the European Parliament recognised Juan Guaidó...

Intention de vote aux européennes : Le mois en jaune profite...

21/12/2018 1) Le RN est le grand (et unique) gagnant du mois en jaune (24% et +3 pts en 3 mois) et remporterait aujourd’hui les...

The ghost of 1789 looms over France and Europe

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  December 14th, 2018 "No Christmas this year" is written on the placard of a protester in Toulouse, the “ville rose” of Southwest France,...

Jeremy Corbyn at European Socialists Congress: EU Support for Austerity Behind...

7 December 2018 "The far right feeds on fears fueled by falling living standards, damaged communities, insecure work and underfunded public services." British opposition Labour Party...