Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Inoculating Against Globalization: Coronavirus and the Search for Alternatives

By Sam Gindin March 12, 2020 Social developments constantly surprise. The latest anxieties over the economic contradictions of extreme globalization haven’t been triggered by a trade...

Les Cahiers du Mouvememt Ouvrier

A propos des Cahiers Ce site ouvert 20 ans après la parution du n°1 des Cahiers du Mouvement Ouvrier, met en ligne tous les numéros...

Bernie or bust? Bloomberg took a beating from ALL the Democrats...

By Danielle Ryan 20 Feb, 2020 Mike Bloomberg walked onto the debate stage in Nevada expecting, after weeks of controversy, that the knives would be out...

Thomas Piketty : «Il va y avoir des crises sociales extrêmement...

Propos recueillis par Hervé Kempf 7 décembre 2019  Dans cet entretien vidéo exceptionnel, l’économiste Thomas Piketty décrit la situation profondément inégalitaire qui mine les sociétés aujourd’hui....

A Very Kautsky Christmas

The oppressed of the Middle Ages drew on Christian teachings to develop a moral critique of their era's inequality and unfairness. By Loren Balhorn Dec. 25, 201 Reading...

Socialisme et autogestion (Contribution à une esquisse des fondements de la...

Par Michel Paptis L'autogestion est devenue synonyme de la démocratie socialiste, c'est-à-dire du régime qui caractérise la société de transition succédant au capitalisme. On ne...

Most millennials would vote for a socialist over a capitalist, poll...

By Megan Henney Oct.29,2019 Watch the latest video at Millennials are increasingly embracing socialism over capitalism, according to a new poll, which found that at least...

Bolivia’s Remarkable Socialist Success Story

President Evo Morales has transformed his country’s economy with an unapologetically left-wing agenda—but can it last? By Zeeshan Aleem October 1, 2019 As I strolled through the...

A long farewell to Yugoslavia

In an interview with Martin Meyer and Andreas Breitenstein, Peter Handke discusses what happened in the break-up of the former Yugoslavia 22/06/2006 With Montenegro's declaration of...

Climate change reports warn of a world on the brink

12 August 2019 Last week’s reports from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the World Resources Institute point to the increasing risk...