By Cira Pascual Marquina
and Chris Gilbert – Venezuelanalysis
El Maizal Commune lies in the fertile lands between the Lara and Portuguesa states in western Venezuela....
Auteur-e : Evgueni Preobrajenski
Planification écologique, écosocialisme… autant de mots d’ordre qui remettent en cause le privilège de la classe dominante de décider par ses...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
As nuclear weapons stockpiles worldwide rise and countries upgrade their warheads and missiles there is an unprecedented need to de-escalate tensions and...
Originally published:
Nikkei Asia by Katsuji Nakazawa
August 26, 2021
One cannot overstate the shock that has rippled through Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province, as...
By Ronn Blitzer
Aug. 12, 2021
Photo: J Pat Carter for the Washington Post
A new Fox News poll showed that more Democrats favor socialism over capitalism, in a...
By Immanuel Ness*
Aug. 5, 2021
Organizing Insurgency (2021) argues that the contemporary era of imperialism is marked by the extension of exploitation of Southern workers in...
Par Grégoire Lalieu
20 Nov 2019
Auteur du livre Quand le dernier arbre aura été abattu, nous mangerons notre argent, Ludo De Witte nous explique pourquoi le...
Les Nazis détestaient les socialistes. Ce sont les gouvernements qui ont reconstruit l’Europe qui ont adopté des programmes de protection sociale.
Source : The Washington...
By Javier Moreno Zacarés
May/June 2021
Notwithstanding the cyclical downturns and occasional depressions, it is customary to speak of capitalist development as a dynamic of self-expanding...