Socialism, Land and Banking
2017 compared to 1917
By Michael Hudson
October 19, 2017
Socialism a century ago seemed to be the wave of the future. There were various schools of...
Svetozar Markovic and the Origins of Balkan Socialism
Series: Princeton Legacy Library
Copyright Date: 1964
Published by: Princeton University Press
Pages: 322
Svetozar Markovic, the first genuine socialist in the Balkans, was founder of the Serbian...
Chávez on self-management: the policy he did not have the time...
First Published on April 2,2016
On October 7th, 2012, after hearing of his victory as the nation‘s candidate with 56 percent of the vote, President...
Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris agreement: The socialist solution to climate...
Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement is another in a growing list of actions that exemplify the thoroughly reactionary character...
45% of Young Americans Want Socialism | 30% of Young French...
First-of-its-kind YouGov Poll Shows “Bernie...
The silence of the pseudo-left on the danger of war
By Eric London
A wide range of nominally left-wing political groups and publications have acquiesced to a series of dangerous military actions by the...
Power, Socialism and Bureaucracy (a classic text)
The opposition will always retain as one of its merits, as against the party, a merit which nothing can remove, the fact that it has, in good time, sounded the alarm on the terrible decline of the spirit of activity of the working classes, and on their increasing indifference towards the destiny of the dictatorship of the proletariat and of the Soviet state.
Fidel’s Last Speech
Fidel Castro’s last major public appearance was on April 19, 2016, at the seventh Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba. Known throughout his career for giving marathon speeches, some lasting upwards of 6-8 hours, Fidel’s final public speech was notably short, yet as defiant and hopeful as ever.
Socialism and Trumpism
Ιt’s Wednesday, November 9, and Hillary Clinton has defeated Donald Trump. Media commentators and political observers are celebrating the triumph of rationality, but a nagging question looms: In the battle between Clinton and Trump, who would have won if Trump had followed the wisdom of his staff and reined himself in a bit rather than stumbling
Le testament de Maurice Allais
C’était le seul prix Nobel d’économie français. Né le 31 mai 1911, il part aux États-Unis dès sa sortie (major X31) de Polytechnique en 1933 pour étudier in situ la Grande Dépression qui a suivi la Crise de 1929. Ironie de l’histoire, il a ainsi pu réaliser une sorte de “jonction” entre les deux Crises majeures du siècle. Son analyse, percutante et dérangeante, n’a malheureusement pas été entendue faute de relais.