Aucune des interventions occidentales n’a apporté la démocratie ; toutes ont conduit à des désastres sociaux et nationaux dans les pays où elles ont eu lieu.
Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Peu avant sa mort, dans une série d’écrits, Samir Amin a développé les deux questions...
by John Bellamy Foster, Fabio Querido, Maria Orlanda Pinassi and Michael Löwy
Sep 1, 2024
Fabio Querido, Maria Orlanda Pinassi, and Michael Löwy: To start, tell...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*)
Shortly before his death, in a series of writings, Samir Amin unfolded the two issues that were mainly of concern to...
By Thomas Fazi
April 27, 2024
Few 20th-century thinkers have had such a lasting and profound influence as Karl Polanyi. “Some books refuse to go away...
Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
En lisant attentivement les multiples hommages, généralement élogieux, que la presse grecque a rendu à Michel Raptis (Pablo) lors de son...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
Shortly before his death, in a series of writings, Samir Amin unfolded the two issues that mainly concerned him. The first was...
Paperback – 14 February 2024
by Elena Veduta (Author)
The only alternative to capitalism is socialism. The first attempt to organize a non-capitalist, proportionally...