Wednesday, 26 March , 2025


Make Peace, Frieden Schaffen!

A call for an immediate peace initiative by the German government has been addressed to Chancellor Olaf Scholz by some two hundred senior members...

Wolfgang Streeck – Virtuous Germany

Germany’s political elite has subordinated itself to US geopolitical strategy. Why and how explains Wolfgang Streeck in this interview Wolfgang Streeck is the Emeritus Director...

Oscar LaFontaine: “Germany is Acting as an American vassal in the...

Aug. 30, 2022 For the vast majority of German politicians and journalists, the war in Ukraine began on February 24, 2022. From this point of...

Most Slovaks want Russia to win Ukraine war

By Michal Hudec Sep 15, 2022 More than half of Slovaks would welcome a military victory of Russia over Ukraine, a new survey published on Wednesday...

The French Left Sets Coalition For Legislative Elections

“We seek to end the neoliberal course of the European Union with a new political project at the service of ecological and social construction,” the...

Eine Botschaft an die sozialistischen Parteienund demokratischen Kräfte in allen Ländern...

Socialist People's Alliance Mai  9, 2021 Liebe Genossinnen und Genossen, liebe Freunde, Wir senden Euch diesen Aufruf zur dringenden Solidarität mit dem palästinensischen Volk im Zusammenhang mit...

Un appello ai partiti socialisti e alle forze democratiche in vari...

Partito Socialista dell'Alleanza Popolare -Egitto 9 maggio 2021 Cari compagni, Inviamo questo appello urgente alla solidarietà con il popolo palestinese in relazione con il aumento delle politiche...

A message to socialist parties and democratic forces in all countries...

Socialist People's Alliance Party -Egypt 9 May 2021 Dear comrades and friends, We send you this call for urgent solidarity with the Palestinian people in the context...

Α disaster in Madrid, a sign for Europe

Stuart J. Turnbull-Dugarte, José Rama – Madrid’s regional election: How we got here, what happened, and why it matters May 5, 2021 On 4 May, the...

German Social Democrats put revolution on hold

New party leaders said they would ditch the ‘grand coalition’ with Merkel’s conservatives, but have already changed course. By Matthew Karnitschnig 12/6/19 BERLIN — Germany’s Social...