Monday, 27 January , 2025

Social Movement

France: Class and “race” hate, riots and the americanisation of the...

By Dimitris Scarpalezos One first "americanisation" step was taken in France with the creation of "ghettos " of essentially foreign workers (whose majority and their families...

France: High quality political explanations by Macron. He just forgot the...

Jul 1, 2023 French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday blamed "video games" for the riots that have been going on for over three nights over...

Mélenchon s’en prend aux « chiens de garde (qui) nous ordonnent...

Jun 30, 2023 Certains craignent l’embrasement. D’autres ne font rien pour l’empêcher. Pour l’élu du Nord David Guiraud, «c’est les policiers qui doivent se calmer»....

French Unrest Over Police Brutality: Whole Country in Flames

Jun 30, 2023 Violent protests have erupted across France following the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old during a traffic stop in Nanterre, a Parisian suburb....

« Nous sommes en guerre » : les syndicats policiers majoritaires...

Dans un communiqué martial, Alliance et l’UNSA Police appellent ce vendredi à durcir la répression pour mettre « hors d’état de nuire » les...

May 1st in France

Paris, correspondence by Christos Marsellos The social mobilisation of the French continued on the first of May with a somewhat diminished participation, apparently, compared to...

France: Enormous demonstrations

Tensions rise in Paris protests on Labor Day, police arrest 68 people Trade union says 2.3M people protested in France, Interior Ministry counts 782,000 protesters Nur...

At least 108 police injured and 291 held in May Day...

Teargas fired amid clashes as unions turn traditional marches into anti-government protest against pension reform By Angelique Chrisafis May 2, 2023 French police fired teargas and...

Manifestations du 1er-Mai : « On peut dire que c’était une...

Avec plus de 2 millions de manifestants selon l’intersyndicale et 782 000 selon les autorités, la journée de manifestations du 1er mai 2023 restera...

Macron ! Des-ti-tu-tion

lespeintresdenevers Avr 12, 2023 Après l’humiliation Chinoise, Macron voulait retrouver son aura aux Pays-Bas, mais une salve de protestations est venue des tribunes. Des jeunes l’ont...