Saturday, 22 February , 2025


Répression sanglante en Égypte : stop aux ventes d’armes de la...

16.10.2018 La France continue de livrer des armes à l’Égypte, pays qui réprime ses citoyens dans le sang. Interpellez vos parlementaires ! Il est temps...

Egypt’s military junta condemns 75 coup protesters to death

30 July 2018 A Cairo court referred 75 defendants to Egypt’s grand mufti to approve death by hanging sentences on Saturday. The 75 are all...

Theresa May thinks Egypt is on the path of democracy

5 Apr., 2018 British PM sends message to Egyptian president on his victory in 'election' widely seen as a sham vote. British Prime Minister Theresa May...

EGYPT 2016 Who is worse, Mubarak, Morsi or Sisi?

By Mamdouh Habashii Mar 01, 2017   2016 was a very difficult year for the Egyptians. Most - both the average man and the political caste -...

Three Axes in the Middle East

Finding goodness  By Mazin Qumsiyeh   It has been a very challenging week. Not in terms of life or our (volunteer) work. I and my wife...