US envoy Richard Grenell denounced the imprisonment and Hague trial of Hashim Thaci for war crimes and blamed Europeans and Kosovo's own institutions for...
Dec 23, 2024
Kosovo’s election authority on Monday barred the main ethnic Serb party from competing in the upcoming parliamentary election, justifying the move by...
During three days comrades from the Balkans, with our friends from European Committee against the war and from the Caucasus, have participated in the...
Paris, Dimitris Skarpalezos
I was shocked to see that an ex-Maoist friend of mine voting the far-right RN in the last elections. His justification was...
Par Dimitris Scarpalezos
J'étais choqué de voir qu'un de mes amis ex-maoïste a voté R.N. aux dernières élections. Sa justification était la suivante: Quand j'entends Glucksmann et ses tirades...
by Eve Ottenberg
Jun 14, 2024
Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban may be a far-right politician, but he also opposes the west’s proxy war in Ukraine...
Declassified files show how officials in Tony Blair’s government planted unattributable material in media outlets and coordinated a network to convince the public that...
Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
En lisant attentivement les multiples hommages, généralement élogieux, que la presse grecque a rendu à Michel Raptis (Pablo) lors de son...