Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Election 2019: Transatlantic socialism rising

As Sanders and Corbyn head to the polls, Peter Gowan describes a new spirit of international collaboration on the left November 30, 2019 The ‘green new...


Après #Commercy, #StNazaire et #MontceauLesMines, ce week-end a lieu à #Montpellier la IVème #AdA. Nous publions ici une vidéo-enquête realisée lors de la 3ème...

Rojava kurde: Un projet écologique menacé par l’invasion turque

Depuis le début de la semaine, l’armée turque et ses supplétifs font la guerre au Rojava. Sur place, des centaines de milliers de personnes...

Ecuador: Indigenous Organizations Propose a People’s Parliament

They seek to develop an economic model to prevent the application of IMF policies against the Ecuadoreans. 25 October 2019 The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) on Thursday convened...

Rojava: Very significant social progress and achievements in risk

The Economy of Rojava A very detailed and well-researched critical analyses of Rojava’s economy, by Maksim Lebsky, originally published in Russian on March 17, 2016. The...

Turkish attack on Syria endangers a remarkable democratic experiment by the...

October 10, 2019 Turkey’s attack on Kurdish-run territory in northern Syria will likely snuff out a radical experiment in self-government that is unlike anything I...

A long farewell to Yugoslavia

In an interview with Martin Meyer and Andreas Breitenstein, Peter Handke discusses what happened in the break-up of the former Yugoslavia 22/06/2006 With Montenegro's declaration of...

Who are Venezuela’s colectivos?

By Federico Fuentes April 12, 2019 The media calls them armed thugs and US Senator Marco Rubio wants them put on the terrorist list, but who are...

Linking Popular Movements and Unions Is a Winning Strategy for Workers

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers September 02, 2019 After years of declining power and stagnant wages, workers in the United States are awakening, striking and...


Rencontre nationale des communes libres et des listes citoyennes. Commercy, 23 et 24 novembre 2019 Depuis plusieurs mois la France est en ébullition. Depuis près...