Sunday, 9 March , 2025

Schwarzer Alice

Creative counting in Berlin

At least 35,000 people at rally. Wagenknecht: "Starting to organize". Participants confront right-wing freeriders By Nico Popp Correctly adjusted political glasses help to arrive at the...

Allemagne: Pétition contre la guerre en Ukraine

Par Alice Schwarzer et Sahra Wagenknecht Alice Schwarzer et Sahra Wagenknecht sont à l’origine de cette pétition : « pour la paix en Ukraine » qui...

Germany: Reactions to peace manifesto

By Arnold Schölzel What happened? Even Gregor Gysi has now signed the "Manifesto for Peace" by Sahra Wagenknecht and Alice Schwarzer. On Thursday evening, the...

More on the German Peace Manifesto

Berlin On Tuesday, Gregor Gysi, a member of the Bundestag, signed the "Manifesto for Peace" initiated by his parliamentary group colleague Sahra Wagenknecht and the publicist Alice...

Germany: No to War, no to NATO

On Wagenknecht/Schwarzer, jw piece 13/02/23 The "Manifesto for Peace" presented on Friday by left-wing MP Sahra Wagenknecht and feminist Alice Schwarzer is meeting with steadily...

Peace negotiations: Wagenknecht and Schwarzer draft a manifesto for peace

11 Feb 2023 In a manifesto for peace, left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht and publicist Alice Schwarzer call for an end to arms deliveries to Ukraine....