Monday, 20 January , 2025

Saudi Arabia

Millions in Yemen are starving and UK, US & France are...

6 Nov, 2018 The US, UK, and French governments are behind millions of people starving in Yemen because they are “supporting this war,” an Oxfam...

The United Barbarian Front (Saudis, Israelis and US Evangelical Christians)

Evangelical leaders pay rare visit to Saudi Arabia, meet controversial prince 02/11/2018 Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman held a rare meeting with...

Israel: A beacon of civilization in the Middle East!

Israel worried pressure over Khashoggi killing will destabilize Saudi Arabia By Barak Ravid Nov 1, 2018 Israel is concerned that the international pressure on Saudi Arabia over...

Les pays du Golfe en voie de normaliser leurs relations avec...

28 Octobre 2018 La visite officielle du premier ministre israélien au Sultanat d’Oman est loin d’être fortuite. Elle marque le prélude à une normalisation publique...

Amid furor over Khashoggi murder, UN warns millions more face starvation...

By Bill Van Auken 17 October 2018 The United Nations has warned that the US-backed, Saudi-led war against Yemen is threatening to engulf millions more...

Death of a dissident: Saudi Arabia and the rise of the...

What the media aren’t saying about Jamal Khashoggi By John R. Bradley 13 October 2018 As someone who spent three decades working closely with intelligence services in...

Is the world witnessing the decline and fall of the House...

By Vinod Saighal Author Third Millennium Equipoise New Delhi, October 22 2018. On the face of it not; look at the strengths of Saudi Arabia today. It...

UK Was Aware of Saudi Plot Against Khashoggi Weeks in Advance

28 October 2018 Saudi Arabia told the U.K. about their plan of abducting Khashoggi three weeks before the incident took place. The MI6 warned them...

The opposite Secret: An Israelgate inside the Russiagate. The Neocon conspiracy...

The meetings in New York, which have not yet been reported, show the depth of efforts by foreign officials and power brokers to influence...

Amid famine, anger at Khashoggi murder, will Saudis be pressed to...

By Laura Rozen October 25, 2018 A convergence of factors, including the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and growing fears of massive famine in...