Monday, 24 February , 2025

Sanders Bernie


El análisis de James Petras en CX36, 3 de febrero de 2020 “El juicio no existe”, aseveró el sociólogo norteamericano, el profesor James Petras, al...

Democrats seek to suppress Sanders victory in Iowa

By Patrick Martin 7 February 2020 The effort by the Democratic Party establishment to conceal or suppress reports of Senator Bernie Sanders’ victory in the...

Acronym group that sabotaged Iowa caucus birthed by billionaire who funded...

Silicon Valley billionaire Reid Hoffman funded the creation of ACRONYM, the group that sabotaged the Iowa caucus results, after bankrolling voter manipulation campaigns including...

DNC, Bloomberg and the Lobby: Stop Sanders at any cost!

The Iowa caucuses debacle 5 February 2020 The day-long delay in the reporting of voting results from Monday night’s Iowa Democratic caucuses is an unprecedented event,...

With Sanders headed to victory, Iowa Democratic Party blocks release of...

By Patrick Martin 4 February 2020 The Iowa Democratic Party has refused to release results of the caucuses held throughout the state on Monday night...

Denouncing Trump Plan as ‘Unacceptable,’ Sanders Declares It Is Time to...

"Trump's so-called 'peace deal,'" warned the White House hopeful, "will only perpetuate the conflict, and undermine the security interests of Americans, Israelis, and Palestinians." by...

Rising in the Polls, Sanders Takes Jabs From Trump, Warren

12 January 2020 Bernie Sanders found himself on the receiving end of attacks from both President Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warren on Sunday, a reflection...

US Democrats voice fears Sanders may win party’s nomination for president

Former Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel claims free universal healthcare won't be popular in so-called swing states January 8, 2020 FEARS are growing in the Democratic Party...

With appeasement tactis, Sanders will lose as Corbyn did!

Bernie Sanders Is the Anti-War Candidate The candidate is trying to chart a bold alternative to Trump’s foreign policy—but are voters ready for his message? By...