Saturday, 29 March , 2025


Israel’s dance with far-right movements across the world

The current far-right agenda has more to do with Islamophobia than anti-Semitism, but both sentiments are on the rise across the West. So why...

Alt-Right strategy: Counterrevolution in Europe, War in the World

Steve Bannon's Master Plan for Europe When President Trump’s former strategist, Steve Bannon, was ousted from his White House post, he didn't disappear. He went...

The real Salvini. For War, for Israel, for Netanyahu

Salvini thanks Trump for taking out Soleimani Iranian general was an 'Islamic terrorist' says League leader 03 January 2020 (ANSA) - Rome, January 3 - Matteo Salvini,...

An unlikely union: Israel and the European far right

Israel has been engaging far-right groups and parties across Europe, ignoring their anti-Semitism. by Ramzy Baroud & Romana Rubeo 17 Jul 2018 In November 2017, the Zionist...

Steve Bannon. The Plan B of the Empire of Finance

Bannon’s Populists, Once a ‘Movement,’ Keep Him at Arm’s Length By Adam Nossiter and Jason Horowitz May 24, 2019 PARIS — Stephen K. Bannon, the millionaire former...

The revenge of the elites

Italy's new coalition government has sacrificed the populist revolt at the altar of the EU By Thomas Fazi 4th October 2019 Italy’s proverbially surreal politics reached new...

Italy’s Matteo Salvini is a more dangerous threat to the EU...

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard 28th Aug 2019 Be careful what you wish for in Italian politics. The exile of the volcanic Matteo Salvini is a Faustian Bargain...

Povera Italia

Par Denis Collin 26/08/2019 On ne peut s’empêcher de reprendre l’expression de Francesco Guicciardini confronté aux « horrende guerre » qui ensanglantent son pays à la fin du...

Italie: Les illusions se terminent mal. Limites d’ une extreme droite...

Le philosophe italien Diego Fusaro analyse pour RT France la crise politique qui secoue actuellement l'Italie après l'appel à des élections anticipées de Matteo...

Salvini revealed – a friend of US and Netanyahu, not of...

Matteo Salvini’s enthusiasm for Trump did not win him a meeting with the president; and his Washington visit this week may undermine Italy in...