Saturday, 22 February , 2025


What’s happening in Niger is far from a typical coup

The recent wave of coups in West Africa must be understood in the context of widespread discontent with the ruling elites and their collaboration...

France Accuses U.S. Of Betrayal Over Niger; ‘Don’t Need Enemies With...

Aug 17, 2023 France is reportedly upset with the U.S. for sending its deputy secretary of state, Victoria Nulland, to Niger to speak with the...

Avec le putsch au Niger, Macron visé par les oppositions sur...

Par Anthony Berthelier Aug 1, 2023 Défait domino. La France assiste impuissante au coup d’État militaire au Niger, qui renverse l’un de ses derniers alliés au...

Le ministère de affaires étrangères SM Abdoulaye Diop s’exprime que nous...

Aug 13, 2023 We remind our readers that publication of articles on our site does not mean that we agree with what is written. Our...

Putin, Mali’s leader emphasize need for peaceful settlement in Niger

Also, it is reported that following Russian-Malian highest-level talks in St. Petersburg on July 29, Vladimir Putin and Assimi Goita discussed developing further the...

West African military chiefs to discuss Niger crisis Thursday and Friday

Meeting rescheduled as Niger’s coup leaders send mixed signals about negotiating with the regional bloc. Aug 15, 2023 Military chiefs from the Economic Community of West...

Did the Niger coup just succeed? And other questions answered about...

Aug 10, 2023 It’s tough to tell which is more important: what did or did not happen. First, what happened: On August 10, a military...

International Progress Organization condemns collective punishment of the people of Niger

Warns of military intervention in violation of the United Nations Charter Appeals to ECOWAS heads of state at Emergency Summit in Abuja, Nigeria Vienna, Austria, 8...

Macron va en guerre en Niger

Nous avons recu des amis Africains le message suivant que nous reproduisons ici Malgré la réticence des Pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) à intervenir...

Niger: La guerre aux portes du sahel

Par Frédéric Powelton Aug 11, 2023 La Communauté économique des Etats d’Afrique de l’Ouest (Cedeao) a ordonné jeudi le déploiement d’une « force en attente » pour restaurer...