By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
In my previous article on Alexandr Buzgalin and his time, the Perestroika turned Katastroika ( I put the question if Marxism is...
Par Dimitris Georgopoulos
Oct 10, 2023
Je lis des titres très étranges comme celui-ci qui parle de migration de masse : La migration de masse du Haut-Karabakh...
Alexander Vladimirovich Buzgalin (Russian: Александр Владимирович Бузгалин; 19 July 1954 – 18 October 2023) was a Russian Marxist. He was a professor at the...
By Dimitris Georgopoulos
I am reading some very strange headlines like this one speaking of mass migration: Mass Migration From Nagorno-Karabakh Continues As Breakaway Republic...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos*
The present still dominant global economic system is a generalized, expanded and globalized form of the one prevailing in western capitalism during...
Des penseurs révolutionnaires comme Friedrich Engels ou Rosa Luxemburg se sont interrogés sur les divergences possibles entre les revendications nationalistes et les impératifs de...
Deadline / Date butoir : May 15 / 2022 / 15 mai
(La version française suit)
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
In a previous article we explained why we believe that the West's and NATO’s aggressivity towards Russia, in the Ukraine and other...
What changes were made to improve the astonishingly low literacy rates in the USSR?
By Ethan Friend
Dec 13, 2019
It was vitally important that the Communists...