Saturday, 18 January , 2025

Russian Middle Eastern Policy

Far-Rightist Lieberman gets crazy (or pretends to get). He claims the...

We May Hit Russian Systems in Syria, Israel Says After Threats of 'Catastrophic Consequences' Russia to send advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Assad, officials said...

US CENTCOM Chief Makes “Secret And Unprecedented” Visit To Israel As...

by Tyler Durden 04/24/2018 Increasingly it appears that the recent US coalition missile strikes on Syria have utterly backfired: instead of weakening Syria or degrading...

Putin warns Netanyahu

In sharp exchange, Putin warns Netanyahu to stand down on Syria, hears Israel will stop Iran Apr 12, 2018 DEBKAfile reports exclusively that the Russian president...

Tempête rouge-Enseignements opérationnels de deux ans d’engagement russe en Syrie

Analyse complète (15 pages) disponible en version Kindle ici ou en version pdf en demandant via "faire un don". Deux ans après le début de l’intervention russe en Syrie, qu’on...

Will Lebanon Be the Next Energy War?

By F. William Engdahl 14/2/2018 A new geopolitical confrontation is shaping up in the Middle East, and not only between Israel and Syria or Iran. Like...

Lebanon – Should it be devil, deep blue sea… or Russia?

Text and photos: Andre Vltchek Lebanon, as so often in the past, is facing mortal danger. Saudi Arabia is putting great pressure on the Lebanese Prime...

Syria: The Tillerson ploy yields first results

Turkey denies reports Syria will help YPG in Afrin Turkey says reports Syrian army will aid Kurdish YPG in Afrin are false, adding such a...

“Russians killed” in major US Syria strike

Many are feared dead in a US strike on a government base in Deir el-Zor province 14/02/2018 Russian media say an unknown number of private Russian...

Lavrov: US want to stay in Syria

Russia does not rule out that the United States intends to stay in Syria for a long time, if not forever, Lavrov says February 13,...

Moscow Concerned With Escalation of Tensions as Israel Attacks Syria

10.02.2018 The Russian Foreign Ministry has called on the global community to respect Syria's sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the countries of the Middle...