Tuesday, 4 March , 2025


One Hour of Music – The Paris Commune

0:00 Marseillaise de la Commune (Marseillaise of the Commune) 3:15 L'Internationale (The Internationale) 6:35 Le Drapeau Rouge (The Red Flag) 9:39 L'Armistice (The Armistice)...

France’s May/June 1968 events marked an extraordinary challenge to the status...

Hall Greenland June 1, 2018 1968 was one of those extraordinary years when millions of people were involved in trying to change the world for the...

100 years on from the Russian Revolution, could a 21st century...

Since 1917, countless social movements have taken their cue from this momentous uprising, and its lasting impact on the world may yet to be felt fully By...

The III International: Lenin’s great obsession

On the 100-year anniversary of the great Russian Revolution, it is necessary to study and draw all the lessons of its main achievement: the...

REVOLUTIONS CONFERENCE – The Final Programme is Out!

The Final Programme of the Revolutions Conference is out (attached). With 5 stimulating keynotes, several special sessions and many many panels, we are set to have...

Geopolitical Economy Research Group ‘Revolutions’ Conference

Reminder There are only three days left to register for the 2017 Revolutions Conference at the reduced early-bird rate! After August 31st the price of registration...

‘Revolutions’ Conference Newsletter

News Preparations for the Geopolitical Economy Research Group ‘Revolutions’ conference, from 29th September to 1 October in Winnipeg, Canada, are now well advanced. We are...

Registration is now open for the “Revolutions’ Conference”

September 29 to October 1, 2017 University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada Read also: Revolutions Conference, Winnipeg September 2017   We are delighted to tell you that registration...

Final Call for the Revolutions Conference, University of Manitoba

Revolutions Conference September 29 to October 1 2017, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada Final Call *Note revised deadline of April 15* The April 15th final deadline for paper,...

Revolutions Conference, Winnipeg September 2017

In the 100th anniversary year of the Russian Revolutions, our conference focuses on the theme of revolution. We want to speak to the widespread...