Thursday, 13 March , 2025


Could Spain be heading for its own EU referendum?

by Blacktower The process of Brexit is a complicated business. It's been a year since Britons voted to leave the European Union. But how has...

More Than 90% of Chileans Support a New Constitution

86 percent of voters favored a mandatory vote for the April 2020 plebiscite prior to the drafting of the new Constitution. 17 December 2019 Preliminary results from the...

“Tsipras acheté”

Panagiotis Grigoriou Historien et Ethnologue 22 janvier 2019 L’heure du bilan, on y est presque. Bilan provisoire, déjà lourd. Le grand rassemblement populaire du dimanche violemment dispersé,...

The campaign to reverse British referendum verdict

The case for a second Brexit referendum We now know much more about the disadvantages of leaving the EU that we did first time around By...

Revolt in Catalonia

Catalan referendum: a ‘democratic tsunami’ rises against Spanish state siege By Dick Nichols September 24, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — The most critical week in modern...

Catalonia Moves Closer to Independence, As Madrid Sends Civil Guards to...

By ACN / Source: Vilaweb / The Dawn News September 7, 2017 Two laws have been passed after alterations in the order of the day of...

Greece: Revolt Betrayed

“I call you to vote as sovereign and proud, just as the history of Greeks commands. I am engaging myself to respect the democratic...

Campaign: #TheGreekFiles

Join the campaign to demand that the ECB publish the legal opinion it commissioned on whether its closure of Greece’s banks in 2015 was…...

Une majorité de Français souhaite un référendum sur la sortie de...

Une majorité de Français (53 %) souhaite un référendum sur le maintien ou non de la France dans l’Union européenne (UE), à l’instar de celui prévu au Royaume-Uni le 23 juin. C’est l’une des révélations de l’enquête menée début février auprès de 8 000 électeurs dans six pays de l’Union (Allemagne, France, Pologne, Irlande, Espagne et Suède) par l’université d’Edimbourg et le cercle de réflexion allemand D/part.

Fears of UK exit from the EU fuel global panic

With just six days to go before the British population votes in the June 23 referendum on the UK’s membership in the European Union (EU), the real possibility of an exit vote has triggered alarm in ruling circles internationally.