Tuesday, 21 January , 2025


The new PSOE/UP government in Spain (and left in Portugal and...

by Klaus Dräger Since 7 January 2020, there is a new government in place in Spain. PSOE's Pedro Sanchez is again Prime Minister. He is...

Elections in Spain

fafdsa Polls: A Closer Look to the Future of Spain After Elections Regarding upcoming elections on Sunday, November 10th, Spanish media have published the results of different pollsters...

Far-right party makes gains in Andalusian elections

December 3, 2018 PRESSURE is mounting on Spain’s Socialist Party Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez after the far-right Vox Party won 12 seats in Sunday’s election...

Royaume d’Espagne: faim et soif d’espérance

Par Gustavo Buster 22  juin  2018 Un peu plus de deux semaines se sont écoulées depuis la formation du nouveau gouvernement Sánchez. Ce n’est probablement que...

A vacuum on Spain’s political left

Center-right group Ciudadanos cannot be the only alternative to the governing Popular Party. Ideas are needed from the Socialists and Podemos 19 Apr., 2018 Practically all...

2018 Polls Show 3-Way Struggle For Minority Lead

Ciudadanos has made the most gains since 2016, as Podemos languishes in fourth place, but parties 20 points away from majority. Image: Polls for 2018...

PSOE Proposes 8% “Social Justice” Tax On Banks

The Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) has proposed a new plan to rescue Spain's faltering pensions system that it would fund via what would amount...

New Poll Suggests 54 Seat Gain For Ciudadanos, General Election Meltdown...

PSOE would make smaller gains A new Sociométrica poll for El Español at the weekend suggested a drop of 40 seats for the governing Popular...

Catalonia and the Spanish State

Jorge Tamames reviews Spanish nationalism, the ‘regime of 1978’ and prospects for constitutional reform in Spain towards a pluri-national state. He sadly notes: “Podemos...

The Independence of Catalonia has Arrived! We are all Catalans |...

By: Carlos Aznárez Source: Resumen Latinoamericano / The Dawn News October 27, 2017 Catalonia is living a historical day, independence is a reality against all odds. Knowing...