Sep 23, 2021
In a statement, SYRIZA criticized the government for the privatization of PPC, calling it a "crime against the Greek people."
Specifically, the announcement...
PPC announces €750-million share capital increase plan; state to decrease participation
September 24, 2021
Greece’s Public Power Corporation is expected to complete a share capital increase...
Feeding on tragedy: Ex-Blackwater boss Erik Prince squeezes profit from mad scramble at Kabul airport, charging $6.5k for escape
By Damian Wilson*
Aug. 25, 2021
As terrified...
By Gracjan Cimek,
Professor, Political Science,
International Relations, Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland
The era of Western domination and US hegemony is over. The main...
The National Bureau of the Left Bloc met on 30th January 2021, one week after the presidencial election.
Feb.3, 2021
by Roger Harris
September 10, 2020
photo: “March of Unity” near the Minsk Hero City Obelisk.
Minsk, 6 September. Photograph Source: Homoatrox – CC BY-SA 3.0
Back in...
16 June 2020
With two historic, major legal and political decisions (1223/2020 and 1224/2020), the 4th Department of the Council of State ruled unconstitutional the...