Saturday, 22 February , 2025


Un travailleur grec sur huit gagne 200 euros par mois :...

22 octobre 2020  La Grèce a enregistré une augmentation spectaculaire du nombre de personnes vivant avec un salaire inférieur au seuil de pauvreté : un...

One in 8 Greek workers earns €200 per month: Report on...

October 22, 2020 Greece has recorded a dramatic increase of people living on a salary below the poverty line: one in eight workers earns 200...

South America’s Covid-19 crisis has exposed the inequalities of the region...

By Richard McColl 7 Jul, 2020 As the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc in South America, it is the poorest who are worst affected. The pandemic has...

Whitewashing Capitalism

How ECON 100 obscures the relationships among capitalism, racism and racial inequality by Tim Koechlin June 16, 2020 Racial inequality is a glaring, enduring and essential fact...

Digital dystopia: how algorithms punish the poor

In an exclusive global series, the Guardian lays bare the tech revolution transforming the welfare system worldwide – while penalising the most vulnerable by Ed...

An economic tsunami could soon thrust half a billion people into...

By KATE LINTHICUM, NABIH BULOS and ANA IONOVA 5/12/2020 RIO DE JANEIRO — It seemed like Silvanah Lima was finally getting ahead. Born and raised in Brazil’s...

Planetary boundaries

Planetary boundaries is a concept involving Earth system processes which contain environmental boundaries, proposed in 2009 by a group of Earth system and environmental...

‘Instead of Coronavirus, the Hunger Will Kill Us.’ A Global Food...

By Abdi Latif Dahir April 23, 2020 Editor's Note: The world is reeling from the COVID-19 crisis and the vulnerable segments of our society are the...

Un humain sur deux menacé de pauvreté: retrouvez tout notre dossier...

Jeudi 9 Avril 2020 Un rapport choc d'Oxfam estime qu'un demi-milliard de personnes supplémentaires pourraient basculer dans le dénuement. Pour éviter ce scénario catastrophe, l'ONG propose...

Allemagne : pauvres en pays riche

Sept. 7, 2018 L'Allemagne est présentée comme un modèle à suivre et la campagne électorale d'Angela Merkel s’appuie surtout sur une réussite chiffrée : un...