Saturday, 1 March , 2025


Propagande contre le Venezuela

Par Romain Migus Le président français, Emmanuel Macron, ordonne á Nicolas Maduro de ne pas réprimer l’opposition MAIS IL OUBLIE les 3.300 arrestations et les 2000 blessés...

Jeremy Corbyn at European Socialists Congress: EU Support for Austerity Behind...

7 December 2018 "The far right feeds on fears fueled by falling living standards, damaged communities, insecure work and underfunded public services." British opposition Labour Party...

Lisbon Is Thriving. But at What Price for Those Who Live...

By RAPHAEL MINDER MAY 23, 2018 Not long ago, Portugal’s capital, Lisbon, was a backwater of Europe. Its historical center was dotted with decrepit and semi-abandoned...

Avalanche: Artists, athletes, personalities from all over the world are boycotting...

Dublin mayor calls for Irish boycott of 2019 Eurovision in Israel 14 May 2018 Dublin’s mayor on Monday called for Ireland to boycott next year’s Eurovision...

Solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people – The CGTP-IN...

70 years of the Nakba - Solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people – The CGTP-IN condemns the massacre perpetrated by Israel -...

«Maintenant le Peuple ! Pour une révolution citoyenne en Europe»

Appel commun Bloc de gauche, Podemos, France Insoumise 12 avril 2018 Catarina Martin, pour le Bloc de gauche portugais, Pablo Iglesias pour Podemos, Etat espagnol et...

Greece, Austria, Portugal among countries not to expel Russian diplomats

Greece, Austria, Portugal among countries not to expel Russian diplomats March 27, 2018 The United States and its European allies are expelling dozens of Russian diplomats...

La revue Autogestion comme observatoire des mouvements d’émancipation

Claudie Weill L'Homme et la société Année 1999 132-133 pp. 29-36 Fait partie d'un numéro thématique : Figures de l' « auto-émancipation » sociale...

(Counter)Reforms: Turning Europeans into semi-Slaves

Precarious work: Europe’s new reserve army by Harald Schumann and Elisa Simantke Oct. 25, 2017 Millions of Europeans in temporary, part-time or bogus self-employed contracts can only...