Saturday, 1 March , 2025


‘This EU budget proposal is bad,’ Portugal’s PM António Costa tells...

By Isabel Marques da Silva 20/02/2020 Portugal's prime minister has hit out at a proposal on how to finance the European Union in the coming years. António Costa,...

The new PSOE/UP government in Spain (and left in Portugal and...

by Klaus Dräger Since 7 January 2020, there is a new government in place in Spain. PSOE's Pedro Sanchez is again Prime Minister. He is...

The situation in Portugal

Socialists victorious in Portuguese election António Costa wins but falls short of absolute majority, with negotiations for new left-wing alliance likely. By Paul Ames and...

Leftists Expected to Win Without Majority in Portugal Elections

6 October 2019 Opinion polls indicate the Socialists will come top with between 36.5 percent and 38.8 percent of the vote but will need one...

The Dark Side of Portugal’s Economic Success Story

The country’s left-wing coalition has prioritized private investment and economic growth over public services such as housing, education, and forest fire prevention. By Mickaël Correia October...

Portugal: le projet d’un “musée Salazar” crée la polémique

L’annonce qu’un musée consacré à Salazar ouvrirait après l’été dans le village natal de l’ancien despote portugais soulève l’indignation. Plus de 200 ex-prisonniers ont...

Dockers en lutte au port de Setúbal : le Portugal est...

Par Raquel Varela 16 avril 2019 Pendant des années, les travailleurs précaires du port de Setúbal ont eu des emplois “réguliers”. Si “réguliers” qu’ils sont...

Alentejo: Eastern Portugal’s brain drain

28/03/2019 As our road trip through Europe continues, our teams on the ground are looking to get your view, your voice on our coverage....

One in Four Greeks Cannot Afford to Heat Their Home

By Tasos Kokkinidis Feb 1, 2019 One in four Greeks say that they cannot afford to heat their homes, according to data released on Thursday by...