Tuesday, 11 March , 2025

Popular Party

How to break a revolution

The Spanish government has launched an all-out assault on Catalan efforts to hold a referendum on independence. By Diego Torres MADRID — The...

Regional elections in Spain boost PP, further erode opposition Socialists

The conservative Popular Party (PP) reaffirmed its hold on Galicia, where the incumbent premier Alberto Núñez Feijóo won a third term in office with an absolute majority of 41 seats in the regional parliament, representing over 48% of all votes.

Spanish soap opera

On June 26th this year Spanish voters went to the polls to elect a parliament for the second time in six months. The Popular Party won, but it did not get a large enough majority to continue in power.

Crisis in Spain – a letter from San Sebastian

Οur friend and member of the Delphi Initiative, former MEP Inaki Irazabalbeitia has send the following letter to the editorial board concerning political events...