Left Parties and the European Union
by Asbjørn Wahl
Dec 01, 2020
European left parties have, over the last couple of decades, become increasingly critical of political...
Basic Income in Spain to Mitigate Coronavirus Impact
By Helene Zuber und Steffen Lüdke
It's two days before Jessica will be unable to pay her...
Par Ludovic Lamant
8 février 2020
À l’approche des municipales en France, plusieurs travaux universitaires dressent un premier bilan de l’expérience vivifiante des « mairies rebelles » d’Espagne, apparues en...
The PSOE-Podemos coalition promises to roll back recent attacks on labor rights and provide a negotiated solution to the Catalan crisis. But the new...
After a failed early election gambit, Spain’s prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, has finally accepted Podemos into his government. It’s...