Monday, 10 March , 2025


He was wearing a vest marked ‘PRESS.’ He was shot dead...

By Loveday Morris April 7 2018 Photo Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters GAZA CITY — Yaser Murtaja had often filmed from the sky, but he never lived to fulfill his...

Jeremy Corbyn condemns Western ‘silence’ over Israel’s killing of at least...

Theresa May urged to back UN’s call for an independent international inquiry into firing of 'live ammunition into crowds of unarmed civilians' 8/4/2018 Jeremy Corbyn has...

Killing Palestinians (including unarmed children) is becoming a habit

Israeli army kills seven Palestinians, wounds 1,000 at Gaza rally 7/4/2018 Tens of thousands attend second mass protest in as many weeks calling for return of...

Ahed Tamimi’s lawyer accuses interrogators of sexual harassment

April 4, 2018 April 4, 2018 at 11:48 am 1.6K SHARES Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to RedditShare to EmailShare to More Israeli lawyer Gaby Lasky who...

Lieberman and Netanyahu threaten Palestinians with new massacre

Israel 'prepared to open fire' on new Gaza protests, defence minister says 5 April, 2018 Israeli forces are prepared to open fire on demonstrators in...

Palestine – All the Gods are with You, but None Dares...

By Peter Koenig 3 April 2018 Imagine! The western monotheistic world worships all these gods – never mind the contradiction in monotheistic –  and variations of...

How Britain Destroyed the Palestinian Homeland

Ninety-nine years since Balfour's "promise", Palestinians insist that their rights in Palestine cannot be dismissed. by Ramzy Baroud 2 Nov 2016 When I was a child growing...

A brief, unhappy history of Israeli massacres

By Philip Weiss April 1, 201 It would be nice to think that, as an Israeli officer once put it, “This time we went too far”...

Erdogan and Netanyahu exchange accusations on Palestine and Cyprus. Both right!

Turkish President Erdogan accused Netanyahu for the massacre of Palestinians. Netanyahu answered nothing about the massacre, but he cited Turkish occupation of Northern Cyprus and...

Le massacre de Palestiniens dans la perspective historique du sionisme…

Un ami (juif) du DefendDemocracy.Press nous a indique le passage suivant relative a ce qui se passe aujourd' hui en Palestine «L’un de nos plus...