Sunday, 9 March , 2025


UN chief proposes military force to protect Palestinians from Israel

Armed international mission among options floated by Guterres in response to General Assembly request for report on Hamas-led Gaza clashes 18 August 2018 United Nations Secretary-General...

Corbyn Fires Back at Netanyahu’s Criticism, Slams Israeli Nation State Law

14.08.2018 UK Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn has condemned Israel's recent nation-state law. This comes hot on the heels of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slamming...

New Israeli attacks against Corbyn. He is an obstacle to the...

Netanyahu slams Corbyn for honoring Munich terrorists, comparing Israel to Nazis Prime minister calls for 'unequivocal condemnation' of the UK opposition leader 'from everyone –...

‘His blood was on the floor’: The night Israeli forces stormed...

On 29 July, the Israeli Navy stormed the Freedom Flotilla boat al-Awda and diverted it from Gaza to Israel. Dr Ang Swee Chai, medical...

Palestine : Appel commun des partis communistes et ouvriers, à l’initiative...

2 août 2018 Le Parti du peuple palestinien a appelé les partis communistes et ouvriers le souhaitant à signer la déclaration commune traduite ci-dessous. Dans...

Palestinian People’s Party, Appeal for Joint Statement

7/29/18 The Communist and Worker Parties decisively condemn the crimes committed by Israeli army against Palestinian people in the occupied territories, especially in the Gaza...

Israel sentences Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour to 5 months in prison...

Aug 02, 2018 An Israeli district court sentenced Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour, 36, to five months in prison and a six-month suspended sentence on Tuesday...

Corbyn tries to appease the Lobby. And he fails miserably, as...

Labour must not back down from supporting Palestinian rights August 2, 2018 JEREMY CORBYN’S prompt apology for having hosted Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer at a House...

Israel, from Democracy to Totalitarianism: A historic transition

Israeli parliament passes apartheid-style “Nation-State” law By Bill Van Auken 20 July 2018 The Israeli parliament, the Knesset, Thursday passed a so-called “Nation-State” law that enshrines...

The Socialist International is calling for a military embargo to Israel...

Meeting of the Council of the Socialist International United Nations, Geneva 26-27 June 2018 DECLARATION ON THE PALESTINIAN QUESTION The Council of the Socialist International, meeting in United...