US report drops references to ‘occupation’ of Palestine, now it’s ‘Israeli-controlled’
13 Mar, 2019
In the latest annual global human rights report, the US has stopped...
March 24, 2019
Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă announces at the AIPAC policy conference in Washington that her country will be moving its embassy to...
Tsipras’ Love Affair With Netanyahu’s Israel Deserves an Explanation
ByC.J. Polychroniou
Jan 30, 2016
Only a few months before it’s rise to power, Tsipras’ Syriza party was attacking...
Kahane in, Arabs out: Israeli election panel disqualifies Palestinian party calling for equality, approves racist Jewish Power leader
March 7, 2019
Just hours after chairman of...
The UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2018 Gaza protests presented its conclusions, according to which 183 Palestinians were killed by Israel, including...
19 février 2019
par Coordination nationale de l’UJFP
Nous sommes juifs, héritiers d’une longue période où la grande majorité des Juifs ont estimé que leur...
Dans le débat qui agite la France autour de l’antisémitisme, deux dimensions sont souvent absentes : le fait que, durant la première moitié du XXe siècle,...
Ilhan Omar grills Trump’s Venezuela envoy over past – video
The Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar had a heated exchange with the Trump administration’s special envoy...
In First, Arab Countries Admit Israel Into a Regional Alliance. But There Is a Price
Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum, which counts Egypt, Jordan and Palestinian...