Sunday, 23 February , 2025

Obama Barack

1,400 US Mayors Just Slammed the White House for Risking Nuclear...

(ANTIMEDIA) Indianapolis, IN — War games and nuclear policy perpetuated by the Obama administration are“fueling growing tensions” with Russia and putting the world at risk of a nuclear war, according to an official nonpartisan organization consisting of 1,407 mayors and other leaders of cities with 30,000 or more inhabitants.

Obama-Era Suicide Rate Is The Highest In 30 Years

We often show trended data relating to financials, but one sobering trend that we have come across is something entirely different - death by suicides. We have discussed the fact that many bankers have been committing suicide, but the overall trend has increased dramatically over the past 15 years.

NATO orders four additional battalions to Russian border

TThe North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is sending 4,000 additional troops to Eastern Europe in the name of reassuring Poland and the Baltic states, the alliance’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed on Monday. “We will agree to deploy by rotation four robust multi-national battalions in the Baltic states and Poland,” Stoltenberg told NATO officials.

Noam Chomsky on the Breakdown of American Society

By J.C Polychroniou The US is facing uncertain times. While it remains the only global superpower, it is no longer able to influence events and...

The Victory of ‘Perception Management’

From the Archive: In the 1980s, the Reagan team pioneered “perception management” to get Americans to “kick the Vietnam Syndrome,” an ongoing propaganda structure now justifying...

Michael Hudson: The Financial Invasion of Greece

Economist Michael Hudson says IMF's concern about Greek debt is bogus, this is full scale financial war, forcing Greece give up ports, pensions, properties...

Drone for Obama – Anyone?

By Peter Koenig Thousands of extra-judiciary drone killings, all personally approved by Peace Nobel Laureate, Obama, and all with casualties and so-called ‘collateral damage’, costs...

Lies and secrets in the White House

By Zalman Shoval In a recent New York Times piece by David Samuels, U.S. President Barack Obama's Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Ben...

Οbama defends TTIP, Europeans revolt against it!

Speaking in Germany today, President Obama has strongly defended the TTIP, the new important tool of multinationals' power over societies, asking for the treaty...

Obama and Clinton against Brexit

By Toluse Olorunnipa President Barack Obama leaned in further on his warning to the British electorate against embracing a so-called Brexit from the European Union,...