Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Nuit debout

Frédéric Lordon au Bondy Blog : “Avec Nuit Debout, le feu...

Frédéric Lordon est l’une des figures de Nuit Debout. Très peu bavard dans les médias, l’économiste, directeur de recherche au CNRS, a accepté de répondre au Bondy Blog dans un long entretien. Au menu : Nuit debout, mort d’Adama Traoré, héritage de Michel Rocard. Interview.

Hundreds of thousands march in new protest against French labour law

Yesterday, thousands of workers and youths marched and protested across France against the Socialist Party's (PS’s) reactionary labour law. Even though the trade unions themselves stopped all strike action against the legislation during July and August, at which point the PS had it formally adopted, there is still deep popular opposition. In spring, polls found that over

France mobilize a revolt

By Carlos Aznarez / Source Resumen Latinoamericano / The Dawn News / May 27, 2016 Oil shortages and threats to cuts in electricity supply due...

French revolt against Hollande

Renaud Lambert of Le Monde Diplomatique says the growing resistance to Hollande's labor policies is similar to anti-austerity movements in Spain and Greece On the...

France: Democracy where are you?

French government seeks to crush strikes against labor law By Alex Lantier In the face of expanding strikes by refinery workers and truckers against the new...

France – End of an Era

Paris 'night communes' springing up all over the city and the country, and across the border in Belgium. "This government, which is supposed to be...

Nuit Debout

MANIFESTE Sais-­tu ce qui se passe là ? Des milliers de personnes se réunissent Place de la République à Paris, et dans toute la France,...

France is moving!

It is too early to make safe predictions on what will happen in France, the country which, since more than two centuries, is the...