Monday, 3 March , 2025

NordStream 2

US expands sanctions against Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, targeting ships...

19 Jan, 2021 Outgoing US President Donald Trump has delivered his “parting gift” to the Moscow-led Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, with newly announced sanctions...

US sanctions move for Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline spells end...

1 Jul, 2020 side from being an affront to EU sovereignty and an imminent threat to European jobs, the sweeping US sanctions targeting the Nord...

Germany Can’t Give Up on Cooperation With Russia in Oil and...

24.08.2018 Germany has greenlighted the Nord Stream 2 project to bring Russian gas to Europe and is under strong pressure from the US, which warns...

The Battle for Turkey

Turkey's Erdogan says attack on economy no different from attack on flag amid US pressure 20 Aug, 2018 An attack on the Turkish economy is no...

Nord Stream 2 : derrière les attaques de Trump, l’enjeu du...

Thibaut Madelin 11/07/2018 En tirant à boulets rouges sur le projet de gazoduc russe, Donald Trump vole au secours de l'Europe de l'Est. Mais il a...