Tuesday, 1 April , 2025

Nordic Countries

‘Herd Immunity’ Is a Failed Response to Coronavirus

Comparing Denmark versus Sweden on Coronavirus By Eric Zuesse  Denmark and Sweden are often compared regarding their handling of coronavirus-19 because the two Scandinavian countries are...

Decades-long cover-up continues of assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme

By Jordan Shilton 13 June 2020 Sweden’s official investigation into the 1986 assassination of Prime Minister Olof Palme was formally concluded Wednesday with the identification...

The debate on “Herd Immunity”

The murderous pseudoscience of “herd immunity” By Andre Damon 16 May 2020 On May 12, Foreign Affairs, the leading journal of the US foreign policy establishment, carried...

US woos Greenland with financial aid package & first consulate in...

  US woos Greenland with financial aid package & first consulate in 50 years – because Russia 23 Apr, 2020 The US has gifted a $12.1 million...

Social trust: The Nordic Gold

Abstract Interpersonal trust is among the highest in the world in Scandinavia. Since everything in a society functions better if high trust reduces all transaction...

Sweden’s coronavirus strategy: Is the older generation paying the price?

By Mary Colombel  & Katy Dartfor 27/04/2020 With no strict lockdown and less stringent restrictions than elsewhere in Europe, Sweden has taken what its state epidemiologist refers to...

Environmental groups take Norway to Supreme Court over Arctic oil

24 February 2020 Two environmental groups said on Monday they were trying to take the Norwegian state to the Supreme Court for granting oil licences...

The dark side of the Nordic model

Scandinavian countries may top every ranking on human development, but they are a disaster for the environment. by Jason Hickel 6 Dec 2019 Scandinavians have it all....

Why so many young Swedes live alone

Swedes typically stop living with their parents earlier than anywhere else in Europe. But can leaving home at a young age have a dark...

La Norvège, ce faux ami de la planète

Paradis de la voiture électrique et de l'énergie hydraulique, la Norvège est l'une des vedettes de la COP24 qui se tient actuellement en Pologne....