Saturday, 22 February , 2025


Nicaragua : l’insurrection populaire face au terrorisme d’État

13 juil. 2018 Dans un témoignage bouleversant, Julio López Campos, combattant de l’offensive révolutionnaire finale contre Somoza en 1979 et ancien responsable du Département des...

Nicaragua : D’où vient le régime de Daniel Ortega et de...

par Eric Toussaint 21 juillet 2018 La répression exercée par le régime à l’encontre de ceux et celles qui protestent dans la rue contre ses...

Trump, Soros and the plan to invade Venezuela: Opponents or two...

Trump’s Regime Change: Soros-style Wayne Madsen 05.07.2018 To listen to Donald Trump and his supporters, billionaire international hedge fund mogul George Soros was an inherent part of...

The Salvador Option: the US is Once Again Supporting Death Squads...

by Brett Wilkins June 5, 2018 The United States has been quietly funding and equipping elite paramilitary police units in El Salvador accused of extrajudicially murdering...

Robert Parry’s Legacy and the Future of Consortiumnews

January 28, 2018 Robert Parry, editor and publisher of, died peacefully Saturday evening. In this tribute, his son Nat Parry describes Robert’s unwavering commitment...

Israel maintains robust arms trade with rogue regimes

by Jonathan Cook Mon Oct 23 2017 Tel Aviv - Human rights activists are stepping up efforts to expose Israel's long and covert history of...


Consideran a Almagro como el mejor representante de Washington en la OEA” y ahora “está pisando la soberanía de Bolivia tratando de intervenir en un proceso judicial contra una red capitalista que ha cometido fraudes en muchos fondos que manejaba a partir de la pseudofundación”, dijo el sociólogo norteamericano James Petras en CX36

The Victory of ‘Perception Management’

From the Archive: In the 1980s, the Reagan team pioneered “perception management” to get Americans to “kick the Vietnam Syndrome,” an ongoing propaganda structure now justifying...