Saturday, 1 March , 2025

New Cold War

Trump, neo-fascism, and the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Michael D. Yates and John Bellamy Foster Apr. 11, 2020 John Bellamy Foster has the distinction of having expertise in both political economy and ecology,...

Russian Diplomacy Is Winning the New Cold War

Russian Diplomacy is winning the New Cold War, argues Stephen Cohen, one of the most prominent American students of Russia. Maybe yes, maybe no,...

As lies on Syrian gas attack unravel, US and UK shift...

By Will Morrow 18 April 2018 On Monday, the US and British intelligence agencies released a joint report charging Moscow with unspecified “cyber warfare”...

Ambassade de Russie, Espions, Guerre Froide sans filtre, par Thinkerview

Interview d’Artem Studennikov, Ministre Conseiller de l’Ambassade de Russie, en direct à 19h, le 09/04/2018.

Why Palestine is Still the Issue

By John Pilger When I first went to Palestine as a young reporter in the 1960s, I stayed on a kibbutz. The people I met...

DANGER – Tensions rising sharply between nuclear superpowers

Tension between Russia and USA rose dangerously, on Thursday 29th of September, as the spokesman of the American Pentagon proceeded to indirect, still clear and quite unprecedented threats, about what can happen to Russian soldiers, interests and even cities, if Moscow and Damascus do not alter their policy in Syria. In the same time the US Secretary of State is threatening with suspension of talks with Russia on the situation in Syria.

Washington’s Hawks Push New Cold War

As a fragile and partial cease-fire in Syria totters, the back story is the political warfare in Washington where powerful hawks seek to escalate both the war in Syria and the New Cold War with Russia, ex-British diplomat Alastair Crooke explains.

New Cold War also competing in Rio Olympics

International sporting events have a clear political nature: nation-states enter the stadium under their national anthem, represent their countries, and, in the case of victory, their rank increases. In other words, sports is an instrument of “soft power” if we use Joseph Nye’s term. Moreover, the country hosting a sporting event can improve its image, as was the case with the Sochi Winter Olympic Games.

Is the EU collapsing? (The Dutch earthquake)

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Dutch voters spoke again, as they had spoken in June 2005, when they rejected, along with French voters, the proposed European Constitutional...

Dutch referendum destabilises Europe!

Dutch Vote on EU-Ukraine Deal Could Send Ripples Through Europe On Wednesday, Netherlands will vote to support or reject EU’s association agreement with Ukraine, a...