Saturday, 22 February , 2025


Toxic Contagion – Funds, Food and Pharma

 by Colin Todhunter 20/05/2023 In 2014, the organisation GRAIN revealed that small farms produce most of the world’s food in its report Hungry for land: small farmers...

Nestlé’s Blatant Misconduct Shows Us the Darkness of Capitalism

From inventing the need for mass-scale baby formula leading to the deaths of infants, to redirecting much needed water from impoverished areas to bottle...

Backing Push for Public Ownership, Tlaib Will Join Virtual Rally to...

"Communities across the continent are now calling for Nestlé's existing contracts to end, and for local stewardship over the groundwater." by Jessica Corbett Mar.17, 2021 Justice campaigners...

Nestlé may sell its bottled water brands in the US and...

By Franklin Frederick Last week several articles were published in the Swiss, Canadian and US press informing that Nestlé S.A. was considering to sell all...

L’eau et les nouvelles puissances coloniales. Un conte de plusieurs villes

Par Franklin Frederick Le 14 novembre, le groupe canadien Wellington Water Watchers a organiséla conférence "AllEyeson Nestlé" dans la ville de Guelph, en Ontario, réunissant...

Nestlé: Multinationals as the New Colonial Powers. A tale of Many...

By Franklin Frederick On November 14th the Canadian group Wellington Water Watchers organized the «All Eyes on Nestlé» conference in the city of Guelph, Ontario,...

Stop Nestlé executive’s appointment to the Swiss agency responsible for water...

The Swiss government is about to appoint Christian Frutiger, Nestlé’s current global head of public affairs, as vice-president of the Swiss Agency for Development...

L’aide Suisse au développement, Nestlé et la privatisation de l’Eau

Par Franklin Frederick Sept. 3, 2019 En février dernier, le Gouvernement de la Suisseannonçait la création d'une fondation à Genève (, nommée « Geneva Science and DiplomacyAnticipator » (GSDA)....

Mettre fin à la nomination d’un membre de la direction de...

Mettre fin à la nomination d'un membre de la direction de Nestlé à l'office suisse chargé de l'aide aux projets internationales liés à l’...


Apr. 12. 2019 Comment le géant suisse Nestlé gagne des milliards chaque année en nous vendant... de l'eau gratuite.