Saturday, 11 January , 2025


The Pompeo “Doctrine”: Gangsterism. How Israel, US and Neocons want to...

In Speech, Pompeo Makes Case for Continued US Intervention in Middle East By Jason Ditz Posted on January 10, 2019 Some ten years after President Obama’s...

Imperialism, Geopolitics and Religion: The Split Between Moscow and Constantinople

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 11.12.2018 A very serious rift regarding Ukraine is now developing between the Ecumenical (Universal) Patriarchate of Constantinople and the biggest and more powerful...

Neocons ‘Taking Over The White House’: WSJ’s Kissel Joins Trump Administration

29.11.2018 The decision by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to give former Wall Street Journal editorial writer Mary Kissel a senior position at the...

Christian Zionism and Foreign Policy: Exploiting Religion | by William Mallinson

By William Mallinson Abstract This article considers the phenomenon of what has become known as ‘Christian Zionism’, as manifested in particular in the United States of...

The Neocon pro-fascist offensive in Latin America. New sanctions against Venezuela...

Washington imposes new sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba By Bill Van Auken 3 November 2018 US National Security Adviser John Bolton announced an escalation of US...

The opposite Secret: An Israelgate inside the Russiagate. The Neocon conspiracy...

The meetings in New York, which have not yet been reported, show the depth of efforts by foreign officials and power brokers to influence...

Neocons dictate to Trump his nuclear and Russian policies (the secret...

Trump Surrenders to John Bolton on Russia and Arms Control Of course he's not the first president the arch hawk has convinced to ditch a...

Trump Plans to Exit Nuclear Arms Treaty With Russia Next Week

20.10.2018 The Trump administration is reportedly preparing to exit the Cold War-era Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty next week. The treaty, signed in 1987 by the US and...

Qui veut gagner des millions de Soros ?

Par Panagiotis Grigoriou 20 Octobre 2018 Couleurs d’automne. Les feuilles tombent des arbres, tandis que des millions tombent paraît-il sur les Balkans... des caisses du financier...

Israel’s Secret Plan for a «Second Israel» in Ukraine

By Wayne Madsen 03.12.2014 The Times of Israel, an independent Israeli newspaper that counts among its staff a number of former reporters for the Israeli daily...