Demonstrations were held in more than 20 towns and cities across Italy on Saturday as the country’s economy continues to decline.
Thousands gathered in the...
Russia demands Lithuania lift transit ban against Kaliningrad region
MOSCOW, June 20. /TASS/. Moscow demands that Vilnius lift its ban on the rail transit of...
Urging leftists to support the Ukraine proxy war, Bernie Sanders aide Matt Duss whitewashes the US role, attacks dissenting voices, and advocates the dangerous...
Reiterating his disapproval over NATO’s alleged overtures, the Pope said the war was either 'provoked or not prevented'.
15 June, 2022
New Delhi: The war in...
by Bruno Drweski
Since 1989, even though there exists in Polish society a strong socializing, anti-capitalist and often nostalgic sensitivity towards the social aspects of...
El gobierno “progresista” busca profundizar la intervención de la OTAN en África aprovechando el rearme militarista ante la guerra de Ucrania.
Roberto Bordón
Mar 17, 2022
By Patrick Jackson
Jun 8, 2022
Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has defended her record on handling Vladimir Putin in her first major interview since leaving...
NATO Chief Says Ukraine Shouldn’t Drop Goal of Driving Russia Out of Crimea
Jens Stoltenberg has warned NATO should be prepared to support Ukraine's fight...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*)
Second of two parts. Here you can read the first part The War between East and West, the Non-Aligned and the struggle...
Sur la guerre en Ukraine, la hausse des prix « verts » et la mauvaise orientation du Parti de gauche. Un entretien avec Oskar Lafontaine
Entretien : Jan...