Friday, 7 March , 2025


As Russian election begins, will Russiagate end? Interview with Professor Stephen...

Interview by host Aaron Maté, broadcast on The Real News Network, Dec 28, 2017  (To view and listen, click on the weblink. Enclosed is...

Lenin’s Last Struggle

“Lenin’s Last Struggle” recounts a losing campaign against the emerging Stalin By Gary Bono January 22, 2016 I have previously written about the excellent and informative book,...

Le phénomène Trump, la course vers la guerre et la crise...

Le phénomène Trump, la course vers la guerre et la crise de l' UE Dimitri Konstantakopoulos, Conférence Internationale sur le capitalisme financier et ses alternatives, Chisinau, 15-16 décembre...

Αustria: Rich, “Civilized” and pro-Nazi

Right-wing extremists enter government in Austria By Markus Salzmann The conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) and the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) agreed on a coalition...

Leon Trotsky The National Question in Catalonia (July 1931)

Written: July 13, 1931. First Published: The Militant, Vol. IV No. 24, 19 September 19 1931 (article Maurin and the Catalonian Question, first part signed...

Podemos’ Alternative for Catalonia

An interview with Txema Guijarro The crisis in Catalonia is an opportunity to build a new, democratic and plurinational Spain. After last weekend’s contested referendum...

Between Capital and Volk

By Sebastian Friedrich, Gabriel Kuhn Germany's AfD poses as a defender of the "common man," but seeks to impose an authoritarian form of neoliberalism. The “Alternative...

Will Europe survive German Nationalism?

Eight Lessons from Germany's Elections Angela Merkel is back for a fourth term, the Social Democrats are wounded and a right-wing populist party has been...

Catalonia and the right of Self-Determination – An interview with Inaki...

Question:  What are the principal grievances that induce a significant part of the Catalonian people to demand separation from Spain? Answer: To understand the current...

Lack of Credible Leftist Alternatives is fueling national movements. Catalonia wants...

Spain threatens potential military takeover of Catalonia as referendum looms By Alejandro López Spain’s conservative Popular Party (PP) government is continuing its clampdown on the...