Fifth South-South Forum on Sustainability – Speakers’ speech
SSFS5 Day 1 – Political and Economic Alternative Paradigms
M. P. PARAMESWARAN – Network of Rurban Republics
WEN Tiejun – Strategic Transformation of Ecological Civilization and...
Finnish Nationalists Spark Firestorm With Bid to ‘Reclaim’ Russian Karelia
The youth wing of the nationalist party formerly known as True Finns announced that the Nordic country should return to its pre-WWII borders from...
“L’avenir sera populiste”, dixit Bannon, l’ex-conseiller de Trump
15 Novembre 2018
En milieu de semaine, Steve Bannon, l'ancien stratège du président américain Donald Trump, était invité à la conférence News Xchange à Édimbourg....
‘We Are Afraid’: Anti-Bolsonaro Voters, Journalists Targeted in Wave of Political...
12 October 2018
According to Agencia Publica, Bolsonaristas have been behind at least 50 separate attacks targeting left-wing activists and groups since Sep 30.
Thousands of...
Future of Western Democracy Being Played Out in Brazil
Stripped to its essence, the Brazilian presidential elections represent a direct clash between democracy and an early 21st Century neofascism, indeed between civilization and...
Brazil’s Bolsonaro-Led Far Right Wins a Victory Far More Sweeping and...
By Glenn Greenwald
October 8 2018
For the past thirty years, Congressman Jair Bolsonaro was a fringe extremist in Brazilian politics, known mostly for outlandish, deliberately inflammatory...
« Nous assistons en direct à la fascisation du Brésil »
Par Ivan du Roy
10 Octobre 2018
Où va le Brésil ? 50 millions d’électeurs y ont soutenu, au premier tour, le candidat d’extrême droite Jair...
Imperialists’ Fear and Loathing. . . of Being Colonized | By...
July 30, 2018
For decades and longer, the United States and Europe lectured and encouraged countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia to welcome and...
Germany intervening again in Greek affairs!
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
The German Government has called upon the political parties of Greece and of FYROM to support the Agreement for the resolution of...
Steve Bannon is on a far-right mission to radicalise Europe
Don’t be fooled by Bannon’s split with Trump. He’s leading a Trumpian onslaught to undermine European democracy itself
By Natalie Nougayrède
6 Jun 2018
Steve Bannon is...