Saturday, 22 February , 2025


La montée de l’extrême droite et l’ère de la grande confusion...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Pourquoi Trump avait-il et a-t-il toujours, dans une certaine mesure, la nécessité de se présenter comme un ami « antisystémique » de...

The Rise of the Far Right and the Age of Great...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Why Trump had and still has, to some extent, the need to present himself as an "antisystemic" friend of peace and even...

Le mauvais calcul du nationalisme bourgeois arménien

Aug 27, 2024 Désormais grand protégé de Macron, le premier Ministre arménien Nicol Pachinian en est à revendiquer une portion de territoire « arménien » située en...

Marxism, nation and nationalism, Western and Russian Left

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos This is the fourth of four articles on Alexandr Buzgalin and his era, the Soviet/Russian tragedy. You can read the three preceding...

Schäuble’s ideas on Nazism, Palestine, Ukraine and Imperialism

German imperialism’s new drive for world power By Johannes Stern 7 November 2019 For weeks, the media and establishment politicians in Germany have been denouncing criticism of...

Greece: SYRIZA commits suicide (with American help)

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 10 November 2023 A number of frontline cadres followed by many cadres and members (real ones, not like Kasselakis' voters) strongly disagreed...

Peace has no meaningful alternative. Four theses

By Tamás Krausz (*) First thesis Even though the imperialism of the 21st century is connected to the developments of the 20th century with a thousand...

Values in the Modern World. What Is Their Balance for Genuine...

Sixth Session of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club How can we ensure a fair balance in the new world – not...

The world and Russia, Russia and the world – The rise...

Second of two articles. Read Part I here Second part of the text based on the speech of the author to a debate held in...

Le drame d’Alstom témoigne du déclin du patriotisme des élites en...

Une tribune de Jean-Pierre Chevènement, parue dans Le Figaro, le 5 juin 2019. Belfort, dont le nom symbolise l’esprit de résistance, se bat à nouveau...