Tuesday, 1 April , 2025


Ghost post! Google creates world’s most powerful computer, NASA ‘accidentally reveals’...

21 Sep, 2019 Google’s new quantum computer reportedly spends mere minutes on the tasks the world’s top supercomputers would need several millennia to perform. The...

World Danger: Donald Trump, an illiterate US President (Calligula’s horse in...

Trump attacks Nasa and claims the moon is 'a part' of Mars President tweeted Nasa should focus on ‘Mars (of which the Moon is a...

Mathematics predicts a sixth mass extinction

By 2100, oceans may hold enough carbon to launch mass extermination of species in future millennia. By Jennifer Chu | MIT News Office September 20, 2017 In...

Long-Term Warming Trend Continued in 2017: NASA, NOAA

Earth’s long-term warming trend can be seen in this visualization of NASA’s global temperature record, which shows how the planet’s temperatures are changing...

The Nuclearization of Space

by Karl Grossman The website nuclear-news this month has declared: “Nuclear Power and Space Exploration—theme for November 17.” And, indeed, a desire of nuclear power zealots...

An open letter to the Australian PM on the climate crisis,...

In July 2016, global temperatures soared to the hottest in the 136 years of the instrumental record, 0.1℃ warmer than previous warm Julys in 2015, 2011 and 2009. It followed a succession of rising temperatures, moving from 0.42℃ above average in 2000, to 0.87℃ above average by 2015.