Climate change denying groups advising the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) have close ties to Trump-supporting think-tanks in the US
ByDamian Kahya
As they seek to gain...
Attirés par la faiblesse des coûts et des contrôles, les laboratoires pharmaceutiques testent leurs produits en Afrique, au mépris de la sécurité des patients....
by Sharon Lerner
March 13 2020,
As the new coronavirus spreads illness, death, and catastrophe around the world, virtually no economic sector has been spared from...
Yaak Pabst interviews Monthly Review Press author Rob Wallace about the coronavirus pandemic
by Rob Wallace
Mar 12, 2020
Originally published: Marx21
Editors note: The present version contains...
Par Sophie Chapelle (Basta !), Vanina Delmas (Politis), Christophe Gueugneau (Mediapart), Alexandre-Reza Kokabi (Reporterre)
28 novembre 2019
En France, la page du climatoscepticisme n’a pas été tournée....
By Steve Silberman
Aug. 22, 2016
Children, Doctors, Big Pharma, and the Making of an American Epidemic
By Alan Schwarz
Illustrated. 338 pp. Scribner. $28.
In the late...
Par Franklin Frederick
Le 14 novembre, le groupe canadien Wellington Water Watchers a organiséla conférence "AllEyeson Nestlé" dans la ville de Guelph, en Ontario, réunissant...
By Franklin Frederick
On November 14th the Canadian group Wellington Water Watchers organized the «All Eyes on Nestlé» conference in the city of Guelph, Ontario,...