by Maj. Danny Sjursen Posted on
March 27, 2018
Students march for gun control; women march for a variety of causes, and, well, against anything Trump;...
Syria's war of ethnic cleansing: Kurds threatened with beheading by Turkey's allies if they don't convert to extremism
The Wars in Syria: In the final...
Dancing to US Tune: NATO Creates Military Schengen and Launches Iraq Mission
The NATO defense chiefs’ meeting on February 14-15 was mainly devoted to sharing...
By Bill Van Auken
20 January 2018
The Trump administration’s defense secretary, former Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis, rolled out a new National Defense...
by Ajamu Baraka
One of the most ingenious propaganda weapons ever developed is that the powerful nations of the West—led by the United States—have a...
Le phénomène Trump, la course vers la guerre et la crise de l' UE
Dimitri Konstantakopoulos,
Conférence Internationale sur le capitalisme financier et ses alternatives, Chisinau, 15-16 décembre...
par Jacques Sapir*
Zeit Fragen FR
16 octobre 2017
Le nouvel essai nucléaire réalisé par la Corée du Nord, venant après des essais répétés de missiles à...
The US lurches toward military dictatorship
The militarist diatribe by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, a retired Marine general, at a White House...
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing to dismantle key Obama-era limits on drone strikes and commando raids outside conventional battlefields, according to officials...
Par Bruno Drweski
Selon cette carte, extraite d’un Powerpoint de Thomas P. M. Barnett présentée lors d’une conférence au Pentagone en 2003, tous les pays et...