The Libya conference and the new scramble for Africa
By Johannes Stern
18 January 2020
A major international conference on Libya will convene in Berlin on Sunday....
El análisis de James Petras en CX36, 30 de diciembre de 2019
“Debemos estar alertas a las oportunidades que están evolucionando, como mencioné antes, Estados...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
A very serious rift regarding Ukraine is now developing between the Ecumenical (Universal) Patriarchate of Constantinople and the biggest and more powerful...
Pope condemns ‘complicit silence’ in suffering of Middle East Christians
By Claire Giangravè
Jul 7, 2018
ROME - Like lights in the darkness, Christians facing persecution in...
by Maj. Danny Sjursen Posted on
March 27, 2018
Students march for gun control; women march for a variety of causes, and, well, against anything Trump;...
Syria's war of ethnic cleansing: Kurds threatened with beheading by Turkey's allies if they don't convert to extremism
The Wars in Syria: In the final...
Dancing to US Tune: NATO Creates Military Schengen and Launches Iraq Mission
The NATO defense chiefs’ meeting on February 14-15 was mainly devoted to sharing...