Alors qu’Ursula von der Leyen est candidate à la présidence de la Commission européenne, ce choix pourrait venir bousculer les équilibres politiques.
Berlin, de notre...
Germany’s parliament has passed a motion defining the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement as anti-Semitic. It calls on Berlin to cut funding to...
Snub? Theresa May arrives in Berlin for Brexit talks… and Merkel doesn’t come to greet her
9 Apr, 2019
British Prime Minister Theresa May’s arrival in...
Merkel blames ‘outside influence’ for kids’ climate change protest… but could it just be a protest?
19 Feb, 2019
Talking in one breath about Russia “hybrid...
he 'yellow vest' upheaval has exposed longstanding problems in France's economy, Christine Bierre, French journalist and chief editor of Nouvelle Solidarité, has told Sputnik,...
Merkel Urges EU to Give up Sovereignty to Brussels 'in Orderly Manner' - Reports
Earlier, Chancellor Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron pledged to continue...