Thursday, 13 March , 2025

Merkel Angela

EU politicians cooperated to destroy a member of it and democracy...

Juncker criticizes Merkel over handling of Greece’s debt crisis September 24, 2021 Former European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker has criticized outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s reaction...

Decline of power in Berlin – and Brussels?

27. August 2021 In his book “Machtverfall” (“Power Decay”), German journalist Robin Alexander describes the end of the Merkel era in Berlin. It reads like...

Merkel and Macron Reportedly Want to Invite Putin to Summit of...

by Ilya Tsukanov Jun 23, 2021 The Russian president held his first face-to-face talks with Joe Biden in the latter's capacity as president last week, with...

Germany, the dark power of Europe

India-EU Summit: No Agreement on Patents Waiver to Fight Covid In spite of statements on the contrary, EU leaders prefer to sell vaccines rather than...

Humanity vs. Multinationals

Germany, the dark power of Europe In spite of statements on the contrary, EU leaders prefer to sell vaccines rather than facilitate domestic production. May 8,...

Germany: the main anti-Humane power in Europe and a tool of...

Germany rejects U.S. proposal to waive patents on COVID-19 vaccines May 6, 2021 Germany on Thursday rejected a U.S. proposal to waive patent protection for COVID-19...

Donald Trump’s Twitter ban is ‘problematic,’ says Angela Merkel

Jan. 12, 2021 German Chancellor Angela Merkel considers US President Donald Trump's eviction from Twitter by the company "problematic," her spokesman said on Monday. Twitter permanently...

Soros against Merkel on Hungary and Poland

The Costs of Merkel’s Surrender to Hungarian and Polish Extortion By George Soros Dec 10, 2020 German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been laboring under enormous pressure...

Les conséquences internationales d’une guerre gréco-turque. Un moyen de l’éviter

par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Dans un article précédent, nous avons examiné les méthodes que les forces tierces peuvent utiliser pour provoquer un conflit militaire entre la...

La Grèce, la Turquie et la stratégie du chaos

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Aug. 24, 2020 De nombreuses forces dans le monde entier sont maintenant conscientes du risque d'une guerre contre l'Iran au Moyen-Orient. De ce...